Sunday, December 30, 2012

The star of the show this year!

Little Miss Abigail has certainly stolen the spotlight this year, and many hearts along with it! This star bunting is special in my family, and it has been fun to put her in it. Check out the difference in size - it just barely fit her now, and we had to stretch it to get it over her head!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Monthly Photos - Month 8

Here are the Month 8 photos! We are having an increasingly hard time getting a shot of her on the blanket with the lamb - she moves too fast!

Highlights of Month 7

Alright, seeing as Abigail is 8 months now, I should get on with the 7 month highlights! And now that I have purchased more space with Google, you will continue to get all those cute pictures!

Month 7 saw some exciting milestones for Abigail. She started crawling, babbling "baba" and "mama", and pulling herself to stand! She has also figured out how to get her arms out and around the car seat straps as soon as we unbuckle her to help get herself out. It seems really early for her to "get" that skill, but then again, this is the girl who screamed at the top of her lungs every time we put her in the car seat for the first few weeks! It is so fun watching her learn and grow, though sometimes we want to tell her to just sit back down and stop growing so fast!

"Hmm, I backed myself into a corner. How did that happen, and more importantly, how do I get out of here?"

Abigail also enjoyed her first Halloween (see post here). She has also decided that solid food isn't so bad (although neither the solid food nor the mobility has hit a home run in the sleep department as many - and trust me, no one more than Claude and me - hoped it might!). She is also a big girl and holds her own bottle on Fridays when Claude is home with her.

Month 7 was also our first month of "normal" will all of our very helpful parents gone. It has certainly been an adjustment, but we have enjoyed establishing some routines together, and Claude and I are enjoying spending time together in the evenings now that Abigail goes to bed around 7 or so. And we are very grateful to all the lovely friends at church who are willing to come hang out with her so we can get some date nights out!

This is a fun little series of the many faces of Abigail - sorry for the blurry ones - she moves so fast!

Sleepy baby in the carrier on Claude's back

Baby rock star

This outfit was mine when I was a baby!

Abigail also experienced her first snow this month!