So the plan is (has been) to catch up with the monthly updates (5 or maybe 6 left!) and then move to a more event-based and hopefully less overwhelming posting schedule! I am still trying to find time to go through all the photos and get the monthly updates caught up, but wanted to post for Halloween because Abigail was so darn cute in her smart cookie costume!
And I'm also getting this post up thanks to Becky, who is also trying to catch up on her blog before their next little one arrives any day - and she had her good camera out and taking pictures! So thanks, Becky, for the Halloween blog post found here! Check out the second half of that post for the awesome trick or treating photos to commemorate the event!
A little background - we got a great princess costume in the clothes for this size that we got from Abigail's cousin (who has supplied 97% of her clothing to date - thank you, Karlynn!) but for some reason the idea of a princess just didn't sit right with me. Now when Abigail is old enough to ask for what costume she wants, I will have no issue getting her a princess costume if she wants it. But at the same time, something just seemed off for me this year, imagining my little girl as a princess. I tried to think of a spit-fire costume but came up short, so smart cookie it was! Bonus: getting good use out of Claude's graduation hat from this spring!
As I write this, Abigail is actually 17 and a half months old. How time flies! We spend so much of our time chasing after her these days that it's hard to sit down and write the blog, not to mention that I have over 2000 photos to go through from these 5 months! Luckily, I have taken pretty good notes on Abigail's new tricks each month so I can go back and remember and document! So, my goal is to catch up on the monthly posts through Month 18, and then just post pictures or events as they come, hoping maybe it's a bit less overwhelming to keep up with!
During Month 13, Abigail actually started bringing books to us to read, rather than just eating them! AND she sits and turns the pages as we read it to her rather than turning the first page or two and then closing the whole book!
Ok, so maybe part of the fun is just climbing on the coffee table to get the books!
Grandma Rae made her a "Faces" book - a photo album with pictures of many of the important people in Abigail's life, and she love looking at it. We hope that by bringing this out regularly, when she actually sees all of you important people in real life, she will have some memory of who you are since so many of you live so far away!
She also loves, adores, and is obsessed with bubbles. She recognizes the container and points and grunts whenever she sees it, making it clear that she wants them!
Speaking of pointing, my goodness! This girl points at everything. She points, looks at you to make sure you understand that she wants that, then points again!
I had an overnight work trip to Phoenix in April, and Abigail was very happy to see me that night!
In addition to her mad pointing skills, she also has started babbling like crazy to the point where sometimes it actually sounds like language! In addition to saying mama and dada, she also says "uh oh" and sometimes even before dropping something! She especially loves talking on the telephone.
Gross-motor-wise, she is FINALLY consistently getting down feet first. This is an amazing accomplishment and seriously makes me sleep better at night knowing I don't have to be quite as vigilant at being within arms reach because she doesn't try to just walk right off the bed anymore! She has also become quite the dancer. Whenever we put on music, she immediately stops, listens, and then starts bouncing up and down, bending her knees and looking completely adorable! And finally, she is a pretty good helper these days at getting dressed and undresses, especially with putting her arms in and getting them out of her shirts!
And here are some more great ones from this month. Abigail is so curious and just wants to explore everything. We are so grateful that overall, she is a very sweet and happy kiddo!
One afternoon, it got eerily quiet in the kitchen where Abigail was, and we came out to find her dumping the Cheerios bag onto the floor and then scooping them quickly into her mouth so we wouldn't take them away!
Such a big girl!
Haha, first time we tried giving her whole milk. After spitting it back out, she gave me this face, and then looked at me with a "Do you think I'm stupid, Mom? This is NOT the real stuff" look on her face!
There was a Cameroonian cultural festival one weekend in St. Paul. Abigail had fun, until she was just too tired to keep it together anymore!
We got out the bouncer to get it ready to give to Auntie Mari to use for the triplets, and Abigail jumped right in!
"What do you mean I'm too big, Mom?"
We also had a nice relaxing Mother's Day and enjoyed the spring weather!