Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Smarty pants - colors, numbers, shapes, oh my!

Most days lately, Abigail says something that blows me away.  Tonight, she kept showing me a toy and saying something. When I finally figured it out, I realized she was showing me one of the circles of the shape sorter and saying "circle". Once I finally got it and responded that yes indeed that was a circle, she beamed and proceeded to put it directly into the correct hole of the shape sorter! Amazing how good she has gotten at that toy and also at putting puzzles together!

Getting very fast with the shape sorter!

I have been named the official family translator, as I can often determine what she's saying fairly quickly based on her words, some context, a dash past history, and a good sprinkle of luck!

She is learning so much so fast. Just in the last few weeks, she has started counting almost to ten in English (but always skipping two) and to give in French (where deux never gets left out!). 

She sees letters either in a book, puzzle, or magnet letters and yells out "ABCs!" There is also a song at daycare that they sing that says, "a a a apple, b b b" but she can never remember what b is for. When I try to helpfully fill in the blank with bird, bear, bath, etc., she loudly yells "no!" Oh well! The funniest was one say in the car she was singing that song after we had just hung up Skype or FaceTime with one of her grandparents, so she was in the back seat singing, "a a a apple, b b b grandmere". I couldn't help but crack up!

She has also started learning colors, and she consistently points out green to us. And more recently, she is getting body parts down: nose, eyes, ears, head. Also, she is getting pretty good at animals and their noises! It is crazy to me to thing that a year ago, she wasn't even walking yet!

The majority of her words are English right now, largely because she hears it all day at daycare, which is where she's learning all these great things! So to counterbalance, we speak primarily French at home and try to affirm that we know what she's saying and repeat back the French word for things. She will then often repeat them back to us. There are also a handful of words that she primarily chooses the French word for.

She also is a huge fan of children's music and songs. I understand in theory, the idea that you should get your child to like your music so you don't go crazy with Baby Beluga playing on endless repeat. BUT. We can listen to "our" music all day long and she totally ignores it, while whenever we put kids music on, she immediately starts dancing and interacting. Definitely makes you think that creators of kids music know a thing or two about child development!

And in general, she is a curious cat. I am grateful for this aspect of her personality and know it will serve her well in the future. Just fun to see how it plays out in a 21 month old's brain!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I just happened to check to see if you had done any blog posts in the last few months and was rewarded with two, lots of photos, and cute videos! Abigail is doing great.
